Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Kaffah Pattern New Series

Get ready for our 
"Kaffah Pattern New Series"

Available at MUSE 101

Price : Rp 100.000
Available Color : Navy, Maroon, Green & Black

Don't be left out!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Kaffah Collector : Henny Emelda from Singapore

Hi Henny, since you are living in Singapore, can you share with us how do you know about KAFFAH ?

I stumbled upon Siti Juwariyah's blog when I was searching for hijab fashion and the hijabers community on the net.  I love the way she styles her scarves, and discovered that she uses her own label called KAFFAH. I found out that there is a local reseller called Turquoise Closet on facebook, and ordered my first few KAFFAH scarves from TC. I finally found the perfect scarf that suits me best. And the rest is history. :)

How often do  you wear your KAFFAH Scarves?

I wear them all the time.  At least 90% of the time when I am out of the house. :)

Awesome! So how many do you have now in your collection?

I discovered KAFFAH in March this year.  So within these past 3 months, I already own 30 KAFFAH scarves in my collection.  I always look forward to Turquoise Closet's new KAFFAH launch every month now to add to my "KAFFAH rainbow". :)

What do you think about KAFFAH Scarves? And will you recommend others to wear it too?

I believe the products speak for themselves. After I started wearing KAFFAH scarves, I often get compliments from friends - both hijabers and non-hijabers who are considering on wearing the hijab - on how pretty and flowy the scarves look.  KAFFAH's size and quality of material are so suitable for those who want to try out different hijab styles.  KAFFAH's not only soft, flowy and comfortable, it is perfect for both casual wear and formal events. :)

Kaffah Collector : Siti Maryam Khan from Singapore

Hi Maryam, Can you share with us how and where did you know about KAFFAH Collection?
Actually, I did not know about KAFFAH collection. Even after I bought some inners, I still had no idea that its owner was Siti Juwariah from Indonesia. At that time, I was just surfing Facebook and saw TC selling these KAFFAH inners. I was wearing the normal inners that did not cover my neck and I thought I gave it a try. I'm glad I did :)

When do you start to wear KAFFAH InnerScarf?
When I started wearing hijab in Oct 2010, I was on a quest to find inners and shawls that suit and complement me the best. I tried a lot of inners - those that do not cover my necks and even those which cover my neck but from different sellers. I bought my first KAFFAH InnerScarf in black (a safe colour :)) and love it instantly!

 So how many do you have now in your collection?
Currently, I have 29 in my collection. Some colours are duplicate (like I have 3 blacks, 2 whites) because I always scare myself that I may outwear the basic colours and then do not have any as "standby". I'm still waiting for more yummy colours from KAFFAH (like gold, yellow, different shades of green, blue, pink etc *hint hint*)

What make you stick with KAFFAH Innerscarf?
First and foremost, it is of the right size... it stays put on my head and it does not show reveal any hair even at the end of a long working day. Secondly, the material is comfortable and cooling, perfect for a teacher who spends her time in non-airconditioned classrooms. Thirdly, they come in a variety of colours. I definitely have a KAFFAH in a colour to match whatever shawls I pick out to put on.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Kaffah Pattern // Only in Ramadhan

Get ready for our Kaffah Pattern
special Ramadhan!

Available at MUSE 101

Price : Rp 100.000

Don't be left out!





Thursday, July 12, 2012

Proudly Present : Hijab Style by Suci & Siti Vol.1

Suci and Siti proudly present to you, our first project "Hijab Style by Suci Utami and Siti Juwariyah VOL. 1". Check out the trailer video: 

Hijab tutorial project that we packed in DVD format in order to give you the best quality of high definition tutorial video that you can watch over and over. 

Kabar gembiranya, DVD ini sudah bisa dipesan dari sekarang! yeaayy.. Sistem PO akan kami berlakukan ya. Teman-teman yang mau pesan DVDnya, bisa langsung klik disini lalu isi ORDER FORM nya yaa.. Kami juga memberikan discount khusus untuk teman-teman yang berminat menjadi reseller. Semua info tentang DVD ini sudah lengkap kami tuliskan di blog hijabstylebyss.blogspot.com jadi jangan ragu-ragu untuk langsung meluncur ke blog kami ya.. 


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Hello Singapore!

Hello Singapore..
I'll be participate in this event!
So come and join on July 7, 2012 at Tampines Central CC :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Choco Brown

im wearing choco brown inner scarf with choco brown kaffah scarf

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Red-Purple Kaffah Scarf & Red Berry Inner Scarf

Meet The Collector of Kaffah

NURUL FITRIANI, Karyawan Swasta

SaturdayMarket :
Waahh banyak banget Kaffah nya.... Ada berapa itu jumlahnya?

Nurul :
Iyaa... saat ini total ada 50 Pcs... Inner juga punya banyak dan akan terus memburu Kaffah :)

SaturdayMarket :
Apa sih yang buat kamu tetap terus memakai produk Kaffah?

Nurul :

Kaffah scarf bikin nagih! Scarfnya flowy dan lembut tapi gak licin. Sedangkan innernya tebal tp nyaman dipakai, Perfect match! Setiap restock di muse 101 fx saya selalu sempatkan untuk datang (dan borong pastinya). 

SaturdayMarket :
Makasih banyak yaah Nurul.. Semoga kami selalu memberi kepuasan untuk semua customer..
Sampai ketemu lagi...

Saturday, April 7, 2012

With My Lovely Customer

Me ( Light Grey Kaffah Scarf & Black Inners ) and Sheila Nurwinda (Peach Kaffah Scarf & Soft Orange Inners)

at Muse 101

Monday, April 2, 2012

One day at Saturday Market

by Saturday Market

available at Muse 101, 3rd Floor, Fx Senayan

Friday, March 30, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012